digital assembly of

Medical Devices

The ever-increasing demand for medical devices and medtech requires market-proven, world-class manufacturing technologies from a trusted assembler. Digital technology for greater efficiency, faster to market. 

SYMPHONI™ has full control of servo positions at every 0.8 milliseconds. This allows us to coordinate multiple servos simultaneously so as to achieve throughput rates 5X faster than traditional asynchronous assembly systems.


Pen Needles




YpsoMate® is a registered trademark of The Ypsomed Group.

A Revolutionary Digital Assembly Platform 

SYMPHONI is an innovative and proven digital assembly platform with a configurable, modular design resulting in a smaller factory footprint. Not only is it space-saving, but it is also flexible, which minimizes tooling requirements and eliminates non-value-added motion time, resulting in cost savings. Incorporating SYMPHONI as part of your assembly process is low risk as it is designed for long-term deployment to support ongoing capacity ramp-up.

Modular, Scalable, and Configurable

SYMPHONI goes fast where it can and slow where it must. Critical process times are never compromised. SYMPHONI Technology’s enhanced servo-based motions and e-Cams mean a single system can run multiple product lines 24/7 with 90% less retooling. The compact design minimizes cleanroom footprint, and its standardization simplifies validation. 

High-Efficiency Synchronous Operation

  • Patented cutting-edge e-Cam (servo) Motion Software
  • Rates from 10 to 320+ ppm
  • 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
  • Flexible Batch Size
  • Multiple SKU Recipes Up to 255
  • Production Analytics via ATS Illuminate™
  • High Equipment Availability
  • Equipment Rate Adjustability


  • Urgent need to get a product to market SYMPHONI is pre-engineered for rapid start-up and can deliver machine rates from 10 to 320+ ppm.
  • Need to streamline labor force 1 person required to run SYMPHONI. Equipment rate adjustability: 10 – 100%. 
  • Outdated equipment SYMPHONI is scalable and reconfigurable. Mechanical and Controls modularity. Digital configuration = operational efficiency. 
  • Expand output but not footprint Modularity requires less floorspace. Multi-SKU recipes (up to 255). 
  • Switch from manual to a fully automated platform Process steps – up to 19 per cell. High equipment availability. Configurable cam profiles. 
  • Download SYMPHONI Brochure

We innovate to solve challenges and support business goals

Driving Success through Innovation

Same Speed, 90% Less Tooling and TWO Different Autoinjectors on One Machine


A client approached ATS to see if there was a better way to assemble autoinjectors faster and more efficiently. They wanted speed, flexibility, and performance all wrapped into one. They wanted their core processes to be respected. An they wanted to run two different autoinjectors on the same machine.

Our Solution

The outcomes were clear, powerful, and—from the client’s perspective—groundbreaking. Symphoni dramatically reduced footprint by more than 50%, reduced tooling by over 90% and increased quality without sacrificing performance. [Continue Reading]


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