This is the final instalment of our four-part monthly Symphoni™ blog series. To learn more about Symphoni and how this platform can give you the advantage you need, please register for our Autoinjector Case Study or contact me to receive the link via email.
By Peng-Sang Cau
To conclude our Deconstruct Symphoni series, we’re going to talk about the one core building block that, above all others, makes Symphoni unique: the E-Cam.
The “E-Cam” is short for “electronic camming”, which replaces the big heavy mechanical camming system that you see in all other assembly automation equipment.
Last month we deconstructed our patented Rapid Speed Matching, or RSM Technology®. The month before that we talked about SuperTrak Conveyance™, a linear motion technology that carries parts from one station to the next for processing. The E-Cam is what orchestrates these building blocks together into one efficient yet precise system.
Imagine that you are on a high-speed train, and I’m waiting at a platform to hand you a bottle of water. How do I get the bottle into your hands gently without stopping the train in the first place?
I would need to calculate the train’s speed using a powerful app on my phone. Then, synchronize my motions so that when the train passes, I fly at the exact same rate as the high-speed train, with bottle in hand, and gently pass it to you through your window.
In the scenario above, the high-speed train is SuperTrak, the bottle of water is the part being assembled, I am the RSM Arm, and the phone in my hand and the app that calculates all of the trajectories is the E-Cam. It’s the E-Cam that makes Rapid Speed Matching possible. Otherwise, even if I could fly like Superman, I’d be too slow or too fast for the bottle of water to get safely and gently into your hands.
Symphoni goes fast where it can, and slow where it must. That’s how we achieve such high levels of efficiency without sacrificing performance, precision, or quality.
Symphoni offers two modes of changing the machine rate: universal, and fixed time processes.
The universal mode is where synchronous motion control can be maintained regardless of the selected machine rate – like a potentiometer with a uniform ramp-up and ramp-down. The universal mode enables identification of process bottlenecks, pinpoints faults causing micro stops and downtime, and permits design-for-manufacturing and process improvement testing. Ultimately, the universal mode leads to optimized output and a higher overall equipment effectiveness, or OEE.
But it is with fixed time processes that Symphoni really shines. In this mode, critical processes are programmed with a specific fixed time, and the E-Cam automatically coordinates and makes the necessary compensations in all other processes to achieve the selected machine rate. A “process signature” means that critical processes, where a product is handled for example, are maintained regardless of the overall machine rate.
We often say that Symphoni goes fast where it can, but slow where it must. That is the essence of the fixed time processes mode for variable machine rate: non-value added processes are sped up, while critical, product-based processes are maintained at safe rates and forces.
As a result, Symphoni’s E-Cam can achieve a higher rate by cutting out wasted motion, thus optimizing output with a scalable solution and delivering products of consistent, predictable quality within a validated processing range.
LS, Vice President
of Emerging Markets & Symphoni™
Please contact me to discuss a Proof of Concept for assembly needs or to meet with one of our engineers for a deeper dive into your requirements.
Life Sciences, Vice President of Emerging Markets & Symphoni
Please contact me to discuss a Proof of Concept or to meet with one of our engineers for a deeper dive into your requirements.
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